
05. jun 2019 Eftersom plast kan utformas till att vara hållbart utan att bli tungt behöver man inte transportera en massa extra volym. Det innebär att bränsleförbrukningen minskar, vilket sparar pengar och minskar utsläpp som är skadliga för miljön. mehr

Torus Pak book recommendation 12.09.2017
31. aug 2017 Torus Pak book recommendation: Learn about current specialist literature and order it easily in the online shop of the bookstore Reuffel. mehr

Event-Workshops on ”Selfmade High-Convenience” in the catering and care sector: Menu tray for logistical and culinary excellence
16. feb 2017 24.01./31.01.2017. Kaiserslautern/Luxembourg. Whether a school-caterer, a rehabilitation clinic, a company canteen or a 5-star hotel: the rapid, comprehensive and individualized supply of a large number of people with a warm meal presents the same task to all community caterer. mehr

Torus Pak im ”Verpflegungsmanagement”
06. okt 2016 12.08.2016: Torus Pak - Hintergrundwissen und Praxistest
Ende Juli fand im Kulinarischen Kompetenzzentrum Kaiserslautern erstmals ein Workshop zum Thema „Selfmade High Convenience“ in der Gastronomie und Gemeinschaftsverpflegung statt. Neben der Theorie stand vor allem die Praxis auf dem Programm. mehr
Redefining Dining
13. jun 2016 Am 26. Juli 2016 findet im Kulinarischen Kompetenzzentrum Kaiserslautern erstmals ein Profi-Workshop zum Thema „Selfmade High-Convenience“ in der Gastronomie statt. mehr
At the UK launch of Crown Advantage, Anglia Crown caught up with Torus Pak® entrepreneur Rickard Gillblad
28. apr 2014 Prior to 2003 I had been working in management consultancy when I came across a gap in the market for a truly innovative product that could help reduce food waste and decrease energy consumption. mehr
Torus Pak®’s „Straight-to-Plate“ packaging solution revolutionizes the food industry
20. feb 2012 The award-winning Torus Pak® is now about to be launched in the UK. The packaging solution features a unique function that will change the conditions for ready meals in all markets, from private jets to nursing homes. mehr
Torus Pak®’s award winning packaging solution revolutionizes the Food industry
23. dec 2011 The Award winning Torus Pak® concept will now be launched during Horecava 2012. The packaging solution features a unique function that will change the conditions for ready meals in all markets, from private jets to health-care institutions. mehr