Torus PakNews, press & videos

News & Press

Torus Pak®’s award winning packaging solution revolutionizes the Food industry

The Award winning Torus Pak® concept will now be launched during Horecava 2012. The packaging solution features a unique function that will change the conditions for ready meals in all markets, from private jets to health-care institutions. mehr

Torus Pak the winner of the Packaging Innovation Award 2011 –

I samband med årets Pacsemkonferens utsågs också vinnarna i året Packaging Industry Award. 5 olika priser delades ut i samband med en galamiddag hos Svenska Mässan i Göteborg. mehr

Torus Pak the winner of the Packaging Innovation Award 2011

Yesterday Torus Pak was confirmed the winner of the Packaging Innovation Award, one of the categories in the competition organized in association with Pacsem in Göteborg. mehr

More ready meal producers choose Torus Pak®

Feskebröderna in Gothenburg will begin selling their new dinners in Torus Pak® today. Torus Pak® has also proudly signed agreements with two strong eco-friendly companies in Stockholm – MoM Deli & Take Away in Nacka and Cajsa Warg in Stockholm. mehr

Torus Pak® in Food Stuff South Africa

Torus Pak is an innovative new HMR food packing system that allows ready meals to be prepared as a producer would want to present them on a plate - and it's being launched in South Africa by AGQPE Food Packaging Systems. mehr

Torus Pak® in

Förpackningskonceptet Torus Pak, som gör det möjligt att enkelt och utan att förstöra uppläggningen överföra en enportionsmåltid från förpackningen till en tallrik, börjar bli alltmer uppmärksammat. mehr

Torus Pak® chosen as packaging by „Smaka på Västsverige”

Torus Pak® will be the packaging for the first meals produced by Lokalproducerat i Väst for their „Smaka på Västsverige” certified meals. Lokalproducerat i Väst is presenting the new meals together with Torus Pak® at this year’s Café and Fastfood trade show in Gothenburg on September 13th and 14th. mehr

Star chefs choose Torus Pak® for take-away food

Star chef Leif Mannerström was one of the first to realize the opportunities in using Torus Pak®s unique way of presenting packaged single portion meals on a plate. He will begin using Torus Pak® for the food at his Saluhall i Sisjön, and now interest is growing among several more well-known chefs. mehr