News & Press

Torus Pak book recommendation 12.09.2017
31. aug 2017 Torus Pak book recommendation: Learn about current specialist literature and order it easily in the online shop of the bookstore Reuffel. mehr

Anglia Crown and ISS Facility Services Healthcare: UK Roadshow
17. aug 2017 Anglia Crown and ISS Facility Services Healthcare promote excellence in patient food with nationwide hospital roadshow. mehr

Events with Torus Pak in September 2017
17. aug 2017 Do not miss the two events specifically designed for the care sector in September. mehr

Business Catering by Fresh Pak with Torus Pak
17. aug 2017 Check out the first delivery service with Torus Pak. Bento Box starts its business catering services in Cologne, Germany. Fresh Japanese food by Bento Box. "Simply served by Torus Pak" & finished on the spot. mehr

Torus Pak - Business Catering by Fresh Pak
02. aug 2017 Fresh Japanese Food by Bento Box
Simply served by Torus Pak & finished to perfection on site. mehr

Example for a Torus Pak sleeve
17. jul 2017 Torus Pak has designed an example of a sleeve for the tray in order to give interested people ideas and indications. mehr

Torus Pak book recommendation 20.06.2017
15. jun 2017 Torus Pak book recommendation: Learn about current specialist literature and order it easily in the online shop of the bookstore Reuffel. mehr

Case study Compass Sweden: Steamplicity goes Torus Pak
15. jun 2017 The Compass healthcare business in Sweden comprises hospitals and residential care homes across the country. As in all markets, development and implementation of innovation is critical to grow and maintain marketshare. mehr