"A Meal for a Meal" - the CSR initiative of Romy Foods Corporation
Meal Countdown: http://www.romyfoods.com/en-US/csr/
Looking at the European map of food waste and food loss and comparing this to the African map of famine, the question arises how the differences can be evened out. By eliminating 180gm of food waste and food loss per portion as per our Zero Food Waste Vision, we are creating monetary savings. What would be more natural than to re-invest some of those resources in doing exactly that: transposing the savings from eliminated food waste into food where it is needed the most.
Driven by this philosophy, we have created the Romy Foods Global Food Programme – A meal for a meal to defeat global hunger.
For every gram of food waste we eliminate, we re-invest in one gram where it is needed. The eliminated food waste / food loss of one meal equals a fresh meal in a different location.
At Romy Foods, we follow the guidelines set out in the Sphere Project and its Handbook. The Sphere Handbook, Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Response, is one of the most widely known and internationally recognized sets of common principles and universal minimum standards in life-saving areas of humanitarian response.
We do not however stop there. By managing to save 180 gm of ingredients from going to waste, and still delivering the right-sized meal expected by our customers, we have come up with a mission to utilise these savings to address our vision of reducing world famine.
Romy Foods has identified an initiative to help and assist organisations who are working hard to reduce famine. Our aim is to be able to provide support for the purchase of food and ingredients to be able to feed others in different parts of the world. Thus, the food savings generated from an efficient process will be served on a different plate as the basis for a meal in another place to another person.
Romy Foods’ Global Food Program: A Meal for a Meal was launched on Monday 6 June 2016. In collaboration with the leading NGO SOS Malta the company is supporting 2,000 daily meals to children attending primary schools in Jinja, in the Buikwe District in Uganda.
The objective of this initiative is to develop the food security for whole communities with particular emphasis on school-age children thus improving their quality of life through better health and educational opportunities. In addition to one healthy meal per day the children are also being taught about healthy eating and its long term benefits. The meals provided are sourced from local farmers to provide a guaranteed market for them and creating income generation and security. Moreover local women are engaged to cook and serve these nutritious meals to the school children helping them in generating income and ensuring wellbeing at household level.
More information and details are found in the dedicated website www.amealforameal.com.
It is our aim to grow this initiative as more meals are sold. Our Meal counter provides a real-time update of the children benefiting from this initiative.
You can contribute by eating our meals…
Source: romyfoods.com