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Premium meals with Torus Pak®

The ready meal industry has long subjected us to lunch bags at the office and the elderly to meals in containers, with no real alternatives. But now Hälsö Fisk in Kungälv wants to reach new markets by not only focusing on flavor and quality of ingredients, but also on how our food looks on the plate – with the help of Torus Pak.

Ten different ICA and Coop locations including fishmongers in Göteborg, Mölndal, Kungsbacka and Kungälv are introducing Hälsö Fisk’s premium meals made for dinner at home in the new packaging solution from Torus Pak. With a removable bottom tab that is easily drawn back under the food and a frame that guides the placement of the food, the meal lies perfectly presented on the plate. The hope is that more stores will follow.

A few months ago when I saw the new packaging for the first time, there was no question that this was what we were going to have. Our problem has been that many people like our food but don’t want that tedious ready meal container, says Hälsö Fisk’s owner and Managing Director Svante Wedin.

The market is overwhelmed with ready meal solutions where the consumer is forced to eat out of a container or shovel the contents over onto their plates with the result that the presentation is lost. Consumers have therefore been resistant to accept ready meal containers as a replacement for a home cooked meal or a visit to a restaurant.

Consumers demand that not only the flavor, but the presentation of their food be on the same level as a home cooked meal or a restaurant experience, in order to choose a ready meal for their fine dining at home, says Kenneth Engström at Torus Pak. Hälsö Fisk represents flavor and ingredients of the highest quality and we represent presentation on the plate with the Torus Pak solution, he adds.

Torus Pak Nordic AB sells and markets the patented Torus Pak packaging system to the Nordic market under license. Torus Pak has created a key for take-away restaurants and ready meal producers to the home meal market.